Liberty in Many Directions
[Un]Sanctioned Citizen
The June Privacy Policy with Amplified A.I. Edition

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The June Privacy Policy with Amplified A.I. Edition

June is national Privacy Policy markup month. We have a lot to cover.

Everything is far more intense with AI spun at elections, weaponized intelligence aimed at American citizenship and digital research exception in health exchanges.

Apple Intelligence is listening.

Here’s a blast from the past foretelling your present day trouble with Apple Intelligence, AirTags and the like.

The world of Minority Report is about to be unlocked, and the key is inside your phone.”


Elon Musk Says Apple Intelligence Is 'Creepy Spyware' Who are you going to believe, the Always-On surveillance in your pocket, Elon Musk or People paid to advertise for Apple in media? Hint: Elon Musk makes AI systems. He started OpenAI to stop human harm and he doesn’t trust either.

Researchers Warn: AI Systems Have Already Learned How To Deceive Humans

Dude, Nooo.. no. You can’t. Not because Google told you. No. Give me the glue…

[JUST LAST WEEK] Google’s AI Recommended Adding Glue To Pizza And Other Misinformation—What Caused The Viral Blunders

Ex-OpenAI staff call for “right to warn” about AI risks without retaliation


INTRO - “IRS Uses AI to Spy on Americans' Bank Accounts”

‘America this Week’ editorial covered the political imprisonment example of Steve Bannon and US Big Tech integration of mass media monitoring and enforcement of propaganda during the elections.

The latter is most definitely real. For example, Meta is actively staffing up non-technical public relations and compliance professionals to schlepp Intel agency surveillance reporting and analysis. To be clear, the job is to report what people in media and influencers on social media say and do to US Government Intel agencies and privatised analysts working inside Meta/Facebook.

If Trump hasn’t wised up to abuse of the Intel State as an elections edge from Cambridge Analytica, after being under its’ boot for 6 years, it’s pointless to reelect.

We are seeking a Communications Manager Media Intelligence Lead (covering North America + LATAM) to join our Communications Measurement team at Meta. You will be responsible for monitoring traditional media and social trends on topics critical to the business - spanning across product, tech policy and business strategy. You will be expected to editorialize your monitoring into compelling insights that shape decision making at every level of the company.

All-Source Intelligence
The Australian ad-tech firm secretly fueling "psychological warfare" against U.S. university students
“It’s modeled on General Stanley McChrystal’s counter-insurgency strategy in I…
Read more

Email Congress: Support H. Res. 934


House Resolution 934 calls for an end to the prosecution of Julian Assange and affirms the First Amendment rights for journalists. The resolution, introduced by Rep. Gosar in December, needs cosponsors to be introduced to the House floor for a vote — so we need to urge our representatives to support H. Res. 934 right away!


The government is a customer and also a seller of personal information in the brokerage business. Governments are licensors of citizen consumer information. Privatised government contractors, billed as NGO information service providers to the government, risk being sued under private right of action if comprehensive and AI privacy laws pass.

Pursuant to Chapter II, Section 11 of the Vermont Constitution, I’m returning H.121, An act relating to enhancing consumer privacy and the age-appropriate design code, without my signature because of my objections herein. This bill creates an unnecessary and avoidable level of risk. 

One area of risk comes from the bill’s “private right of action,” which would make Vermont a national outlier, and more hostile than any other state to many businesses and non-profits – a reputation we already hold in a number of other areas. I appreciate this provision is narrow in its impact, but it will still negatively impact mid-sized employers, and is generating significant fear and concern among many small businesses.

This comes from the desk of Vermont Governor, Phil Scott. Vermont hails as one of the most progressive leftist State governments in the nation. So business protections seem very low on their totem pole despite the “reputation they hold”. In comparison, Washington State finally passed a comprehensive legislation in support of limited private right of action in 2022.

If businesses are not able to protect consumer data in the exchanges they adopt, they shouldn’t be selling it in the first place. Despite being lured with financial gains from bigger ecosystems, who promise future gains in side-business profits from customer access schemes they cannot protect the consumers in their umbrella from the unair practices of larger platforms who hold themselves irresponsible for the fate of consumer data by smaller business adopters.


One loophole exception are certain bedroom data processors domestically and abroad providing data cleaning and scale preparation services for the marketing and packaged release of brokered data. Those are also classed as small businesses, sole proprietors and LLCs as well as 501c3 and 501c4 nonprofits. The national security risk profile increases the broader the global format spread is for a US national’s personal information (pii).

The other loophole is nonprofit and academic research supervisory agencies. For example nonprofit researchers are seemingly exempt from HIPAA laws and the hefty fines for personal data, genetic data in domestic and foreign exchanges. Unfortunately, people who advertise, who conduct privatised mass surveillance capitalized on this loophole long ago to compile health invasive dossiers for sale in BRICS marketplaces as “research”.

Under this loophole, US Hospitals are now collecting intimate health information used in billing futures as “digital startups”. Patients are handed a tablet with a HIPAA policy link and cannot proceed to the next patient page for input unless they check a non-explained. The link is not able to be read from the patient facing tablet. If you get the printout it might read like peak repeat offender data sociopath at Facebook c. 2014. I’ll use the example of an Austin “medical startup” HIPAA forms below.

“Research. We may disclose

In the case of China, all facilities doing business with their software, proprietary digital IP, software or platforms may invoke a National Security law passed in early 2019 that claims ownership of all data that passes through it. If you are partnering with a BRICS funder, a Hong Kong IPO who provides your startup with the health platform they are legally required to tell you they will be grabbing your data. You go in for a cold and flu check up and China comes out with a comprehensive greenlight to get ALL data depending how the consent forms are written.

“k. Specialized Government Functions: Under certain, strictly limited circumstances, we may disclose your health care information for military, national security or law enforcement custodial reasons.”


  • Get paper copies of all medical consent, HIPAA privacy and med records release forms before you sign or check the box on wireless tablet intakes.

  • Never sign off on ‘ALL DATA’ forms to access and exchange enterprises anywhere, for any reason, for basic customer services. It’s not a reasonable or fair solicitation. That’s a real red flag.

  • READ YOUR LICENSE CONTRACTS to watch out for “involuntary” access language as tacit consent in legally required Privacy Notices. Deceptive End User License Agreement contracts and Privacy Notices can be a menu of data access wish lists for brokers who use consumer data as capital to back future sales or futures. So they will “notify” you of access to as much range of data as non-consent means. This is deceptive practice. If you read your contracts you will see it right away.

  • Support Laws that remove or place overt consumer limits on 3rd Party and foreign research and access to private human health facilities. The “My Body, My Data Act” authored by Rep. Sara Jacobs has potential to place limits on external State NGOs, political and government actors who “pay to probe” private reproductive health information, women’s private health information, supports genetic health privacy and more. It might also get rid of vigilante political zealots lurking around women’s health clinics looking for “reproductive offenders”. Creeps.


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Liberty in Many Directions
[Un]Sanctioned Citizen
A news and information offensive against those responsible for IP theft, privacy infringement losses and tying US rights around global trade deficits with APAC (CCP). They may hide behind carefully layered NGOs, complicit E&C fixer firms to scrub out dissent or competition, but we have you in our sights: Big Tech, Big Media, and their politicos. Now it's time to tell the rest of the world what we know and see every day and which locals paved the path to hell with other people's information.