This is our non-fancy Christmas edition of the [Un]Sanctioned Citizen. It’s as basic as this economy is.
Guess what? Christmas is still for all of the children, who still need 100% of their gifts and other stuff.
I nominate Lil’ Wayne & Chris Brown to go find about $7 million in public restitution to go pay child support TODAY. (+How is Chris Brown a free man for being such an absolute dirtbag? [Checks date] YEP. Still an evil dirtbag.) These men will give a new meaning to clean coal when they sponsor some elderly woman’s stove or community BBQ smoker with all the naughty deposits dropped off by Santa this Christmas. I volunteer those thieving ‘elves’ who helped Wayne & Brown help themselves to the public COVID money to double up on labor to alleviate someone else’s suffering.
What did I get you for Christmas? Just my stack of Notes and this podcast. Please jog and comment with items that might interest you.
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