Liberty in Many Directions
[Un]Sanctioned Citizen
MAG/HA : Fall Transitions Merge US Elections Options

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MAG/HA : Fall Transitions Merge US Elections Options

Did anyone notice the unsubtle way RFK Jr. just became Donald Trump's policy mule? DHS blob under Quiet Skies investigation +TX AG takes on GM & other Texas invasions + UNDPs Digital ID surge

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Rand Paul Wants Answers From TSA About Alleged Surveillance Abuses
Racket News
The Worm Turns: House, Senate Investigate TSA Surveillance of Tulsi Gabbard
Two weeks ago, former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard found out she’d been placed on the TSA’s “Quiet Skies” watch list, and put under “Special Mission Coverage” surveillance by Federal Air Marshals. A Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves who enlisted and served in Iraq after 9/11, Gabbard was almost speechless at reports of her placement on a terror list. She felt “the deepest sense of betrayal…
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Kamala Explains 93% Of Staff Quit Because They Couldn’t Handle The Joy

BIG by Matt Stoller
Monopoly Round-Up: Price Gouging vs Price Fixing vs Price Controls
Today’s monopoly round-up for paid subscribers has a ton of great stuff, from a new judge blocking a sports streaming monopoly to a coming formal government request to break-up Google. But the biggest story, and one I’ll spend some time on, is the first slug of Vice President Kamala Harris’s…
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Trump vows to release docs on JFK assassination with new presidential commission

[INTRO] - RFK Jr. sits down with MLK/X Descendant to discuss the US Deep State’s enduring threat of Presidential assassination.

Texas Expands Border Presence With New Tactical Command Post

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Launch­es Inves­ti­ga­tion Into Reports that Orga­ni­za­tions May Be Ille­gal­ly Reg­is­ter­ing Nonci­t­i­zens to Vote

Texas AG Ken Paxton announces warrants looking for voter fraud in Bexar, Atascosa and Frio counties

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Gen­er­al Motors for Unlaw­ful­ly Col­lect­ing Dri­vers’ Pri­vate Data and Sell­ing It To Sev­er­al Com­pa­nies, Includ­ing Insur­ance Companies

US appeals court rules geofence warrants are unconstitutional


There have been reports in Tibetan media that hundreds of detainees were released in late March. These reports are based on local sources but have not been separately confirmed by Tibet Watch.

The reports add that at least two community leaders from Dege County remain in detention: Tenzin Sangpo, a senior administrator at Wontoe Monastery, and Tenzin, a village official. We continue to demand that all peaceful protesters are released.


Exclusive: Workers at Google DeepMind Push Company to Drop Military Contracts

UNDP Amplifies program funding for panoramic biometric ID in Honduras.

"NIST Releases Second Public Draft of Digital Identity Guidelines for Final Review"

- Deadline (unironic) 10/7/2024 *So get your rational input in before neocon/neoliberal Meddle Est Foreign Policy line-jumps a budget for another no-bid biometrics RFP to supply UNDP with US backed global ID. That will likely later be TSA administrating a demand for additional proof of American national body parts for commercial exchange or just the airport because increased risk of “terror”. Say no, now, while you can.
Liberty in Many Directions
DIGITAL ID MANDATES: It’s USG corruption at the speed of innovation.
Globalism, more technically known as neoliberal fascism, coordinates modern technical contracts with the consumer public for gadgets and then graduates them as instantly governable without a vote, law or legal process integration of sovereignty, public legal rights or rule of law. It’s corruption at the speed of innovation…
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Your brain’s privacy is at risk. The US just took its first big step toward protecting it.

A lifeless hydrogel blob can play Pong

First Human Patient to Receive a Neuralink Brain Implant Used it to Stay Up All Night Playing Civilization 6

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Liberty in Many Directions
[Un]Sanctioned Citizen
A news and information offensive against those responsible for IP theft, privacy infringement losses and tying US rights around global trade deficits with APAC (CCP). They may hide behind carefully layered NGOs, complicit E&C fixer firms to scrub out dissent or competition, but we have you in our sights: Big Tech, Big Media, and their politicos. Now it's time to tell the rest of the world what we know and see every day and which locals paved the path to hell with other people's information.