What America Needs is A Body Sovereignty Movement
What body positivity got wrong and hype-busting uninvested social conditions on your body as the nesting material for transhumanist parts-sellers.
This is a brief editorial addressing news abuse of words, like “epidemic”, to frame identity, personal weight and mental hygiene with conditions of external social and media contagion.
One thing is clarifying at lightning speed since the advent of Wegovy- Ozempic weight losses among Americans. Americans who don’t want to be fat, won’t be. Those who do, will.
Media personalities presumed American obesity was a fixed, non-moving target. Now that people are self-determining when and how to lose weight without the fulcrum of the seasons, truly useless television pundits and comics are self-exposing as the helpless bystanders they are. The worst thing anyone could do to them is not listen to their heaps of non-special verbal abuse and take personal steps to own their bodies and do whatever it is they want with that bodily autonomy.
People in the transhuman movement have been puppeteered in a cause of worthiness reversals or reverse psychology. People in our society can be cruel to each other for not doing whatever it is they might want you to do. American society has a generalized aura of bigoted behaviors with enormous floating range. (Yeah, kind of like a flooded sewer after a strong rain. Yes, exactly like that.) A lot of people don’t even give their targets the benefit of a direct discussion about their body; which is a moral mistake.
You should always talk to a person about them, directly to them. To speak about a person as a public problem and to let the global neighborhood leverage a pressure campaign is meant for matters you should have already discussed with them in person, with result of no traction. That’s usually left for people in leadership positions, and not for people who put on 17 pounds after a breakup. We have gotten used to excessive use of psychological campaign force for very personal body matters amid people who don’t care and aren’t impacted by the outcome.
You stop talking altogether when all incentive to dealing with an emerging opponent is lost and there is no value to adding their involvement. Their counterbalance is meaningless to the effort you extend on outcomes. This is what Ozempic and Wegovy has done. It has eliminated the time span for body sovereignty sabotage to break up any moralization market forecast due to your desired progress. It has eliminated the need for media input on matters of ‘fat’ fate.
All of the whining “anti-fat” diet and exercise P&L engineers routinely cultivate low personal morale in media as the means to their manipulation. If you’re too fit, they entice you to eat or indulge a lot more. If you’re too skinny, you’re demoralized for not being able to hold things down or come under the microscope as being somehow irresponsible. If you’re too heavy, people heap all kinds of objective abuse and back it up with catastrophically ill-conceived authority.
There comes a point when you realize media personalities, their petty judgements and their snubs are strategically leveraged to be abusive and manipulative all while completely out of range of any investment in your personal outcomes. You are supposed to somehow crave the generalized approval of people talking on TV, on social media or other vectors of market outreach.
They run food ads. They run fitness ads. They run all of the advertising that pays the networks. When you begin to see judgie talk show hosts start to get sea sick from too many fat people and too many fat people losing weight in a manner that doesn’t bring them money, well! You have a perfect storm of cranky, abusive jerks who overestimate their personal worth in your day.
One of the benefits of being a public relations graduate is understanding the stints and levers that move, what public influence campaigning looks and sounds like, when media is earned and when it is propagated. The mentalism and magicianship behind both public and private PR, the psychological operation machine manipulates reputational inputs.
For instance, ‘fat’ outrage, is conjured moral scorn, from seemingly fit but morally inferior television and social media pundits, who no doubt share a control room with fat, sweaty directors, producers, their “unhealthy” “obese” “stupid” children and their spouses of varying shrinking and expanding sizes. This all depends on how much compensating they are doing for whatever arbitrary generalized crime-not-crime they have committed.
None of their ire is worth internalizing. They don’t eat your food. They don’t pay your bills. They don’t cook for you. They don’t provide any friendship to go exercise. They don’t drive you to and from the gym. They look skinny on TV and try to get in your head about outcomes they will be intentionally sabotaging in a month.
They do not clap for you when you succeed. They shake their shoulders, whip their hair, tilt their chin up so their bulldog underbite isn’t so prominent in HD and then they tell you what you did wrong today based on whatever the market needs to sell. That’s what they do.
They don’t know your name. They wouldn’t know who you are in public if you handed them a tissue to sneeze in. Their influence zeroes out when the power button gets hit and the mute handle is exercised. Play with the remote the next time they get nasty. See what happens. Where is the outrage?
There is an illusion of false intimacy that is cultivated by AI girlfriends and the US media landscape. Media personalities and their fake puffing laughter have no body sovereign value to you. Whatever it is that you do personally, doesn’t impact them. They do not see you. They do not know you. Therefore, this is a mirage of supervision.
You do not work for them. They do not pay your bills. The advertisers pay their bills. So, understand whose mouthpiece is busy boring holes in the public for today’s two minutes of hate. If it’s the ‘sin’ of obesity they will then summarily sabotage their contempt with tailgate parties and beer fests three and a half weeks later. If you listen to them, you’re endocrine system will be trash at 45.
They cannot ask you what you want and need. They do not talk directly to you. If the conversation is not two-way, they have lost the balance. They’re not involved.
They are not involved in your wins and losses. It is phantom relevancy when it comes to your body.
Here is another weird Internet troll manifest against body sovereignty. Both parents and childfree people are told online that there is a workplace bias against them. It is left to merely childless people to be in the golden mean, the magical window of excellence for just “not getting their kid..yet” to slip through the workplace approval gauntlet? It’s just not that kind of world.
People are more or less permanent, for now. Unless there is sudden death or palliative care, you’re dealing with the hard and fast facts of another person’s animal body, present, as-is. Someone’s weight, height or eye color isn’t going to intentionally change for others, unless there are costume and scene changes.
Bodies are not on an Adobe operations shader or in game modification cosplay. The delusion is that you or anyone can or would suddenly change upon the casual meanness of a stranger’s insult. That is the new age of moral insanity that we live in.
Forced media contempt (or approval) of a stranger’s body is a means to an end. Today – that is selling truckloads of Wegovy because it beats Summer fat camp.
Body positivity or “healthy at any weight” is going to hit the reality wall pretty quickly. It sets people up to externalize validation for parts and parcels, terms and conditions on their own body. It’s the nesting material for transhumanist manipulation; which is an extension of media and PR market manipulations.
The truth is if you become a robot with supplemental parts in a supply line of forced obsolescence, you may end up dead at the downturn of approvals for an operating system version or if a certain metal suddenly becomes “immoral” in a DEI landfill to sell more of a rival’s goods or services.
Body sovereignty says the body is a stronghold of private, personal self-determination. It’s not a tool for someone’s use. It’s not someone’s byproduct or property. You own yourself. You manage yourself. You determine medical facility. If you fail, you fix it. If you don’t, you live with broken. If you can’t do it alone, don’t do it alone. We do need others.
Others are not meant, nor were they ever meant, to determine the parts and pieces of your body and mind. It’s quite a haul for a lot of people today just to manage themselves. Many have adopted a falsehood of social conditions that a contagion quest for bodily validation rests entirely on aggregate external validation. They were never meant to place this responsibility on another’s shoulders.
It is up to you to self-validate. If you are forever dependent on others’ validation you stay a child, with stunted, forfeit powers, neutered potential. You commit to a living death with permanent commercial surveillance on your person. No human is born with a camera phone in hand and eight social media accounts.
Adult living is about bringing yourself up first and then others. Full power adulthood is dependent on body sovereignty. Don’t delegate this crucial responsibility to an uninvested stranger.